Thursday 31 December 2015

2015: The End of the Year Ramble

Hello I'm back finally woohoo.. *yay*

My God.. A lot has happened in the last 5 or 6 months or so.. 

Got into uni, been studying, meeting new people, got myself a gf, spending plenty of time with her, finally got a car, the car got scratched, got some of my first semester results/grades, celebrated my gf's bday and then she got back at me by giving me first ever bday surprise... Tried video editing... other stuffs as well.. I dunno.. Oh.. STAR WARS.. AND DOCTOR WHO... MY GOD.

I haven't written in a while.. Tbh.. I didn't really have the time...

And now, my first semester is gone.. And I have this month-long holiday, which is quite something..

Anyway.. Yeah.. I feel like writing.. Again..

I kinda miss Paris.. And living/spending time abroad in general... Well.. Maybe... I only miss some aspects of it.. But mainly, the frickin' strolling and the fact that you can go anywhere wherever you want whenever you want with a public transport.. Well, not really "whenever"... But close enough, especially during New Year's Eve..


Alright.. Back to our main ramble..


It's the fact that no matter where you are, wherever you're going, you can always, sort of, feel safe.. And like.. Sure, nowhere is really "safe".. But compared to Indonesia or Jakarta or Depok (where my uni is)... Paris or London or like other places I've visited so far.. They have plenty of spaces for people to stroll, to simply walk around and enjoy their surroundings...

I miss the parks. I miss strolling around and then resting on a bench in some random park. I miss walking alongside a river.. or a canal.. or like the beach.. Btw sorry bad grammar I know.. Not too fussed about it.

There, I said it... I really frickin' miss proper facilities for pedestrians.... We need wider sidewalk/pavement... With plenty of benches.. And open area like proper town squares or parks..

I mean.. I know.. It's frickin' hot in Jakarta or Depok or Indonesia in general.. And if it's not scorching, it's frickin' raining, like, proper tropical storm rain kinda thing... Well, not really.. I mean.. I love the rain.. As long as they're not too heavy.. And I love the Sun as well.. So long as it's not too bright and there's wind..

But like.. We need open space, with plenty of trees.. I mean.. Come on.. Having an open space like parks or squares in Jabodetabek is quite doable, no?

It's not gonna be frickin' too hot. We just need to figure out some ways, like.. I dunno.. Trees.. Plenty of trees but like not like forest-y kinda trees... Just enough trees and grass and ponds or mini-rivers to get things going.. with footpaths..

Like, a week ago or sumthin.. I was walking around in this park at this shopping mall with my gf.. And then we decided to sit down.. And like.. MAN! It was breezing, like, proper wind.. It was a hot day.. But like sitting beneath some trees, just, it already made things cooler with plenty of, or just enough wind/breeze to keep us cool... Trees are the answer.. and lakes..

Anyway.. Yeah.. I miss walking around, strolling around, so much.

Whoa. That's done. I just needed to let it out.. Dangit. :p

Now.. My life..

The Faculty of Law is quite nice.. :) And my relationship has been going pretty well, with plenty of ups and downs.. But we always managed to get back up and yeah... I love her so much. There. I said it in public. Tho I can always edit this out or sumthin'.. but.. whatever...

Back when I started 2015, I never really imagined that my life at the end of 2015 would be like this..

The highlights are probably like: Inten, Faculty of Law, car.. And above all, I have the pleasure of being this lovely lady's bf..

Time flies, quicker than ever.. Just two years ago today, I was in London, enjoying NYE with my sister and her friends in front of the London Eye.. I was still in 12th grade, not knowing where I'd end up being..

I never really imagined that two years after that night... My life would be like this at this moment..

I thank God for giving me the strength to keep on going with my life.. And all the fortune that God has given me.. I'm so lucky.. Just need to make sure that I don't waste all of these fortunes and opportunities..

Bismillah.. 2016, what have you got for me..?

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