Wednesday 31 December 2014



So in a few hours time, we are gonna enter 2015. Well, it's already 2015 in Australia and a few other places to the east of Indonesia... I guess. Can't really be bothered looking at the map. :p

Anyway. I'm kinda in the mood right now to write about 2014. It has been quite an interesting year for me personally, and probably for many people in this planet.

I spent last year's New Year's Eve in London with me sister and me sister's friends. Quite awesome, though I had to stand for around (I think) two or three hours straight. It was so crowded. Fortunately, we sort of got a nice spot, somewhere opposite the London Eye. The waiting was long and a bit boring. It was windy and drizzling.

When the fireworks started though. Ufff... Yes, it lasted only for a few minutes, but it was good. It was memorable. Glad to have spent a New Year's Eve at least once at a famous NYE location.

Anyway, I remember in that particular night... When the countdown started, I said to myself, 

"This is it man, 2014, the year in which you'll finally finish school after 12 years, in which you'll start a new stage in your life. Where will you be in a few months time?"

And then, this:

The vibration. People cheering, and recording, and taking pictures with their mobiles, or cameras, or vidcams. The vibration right at the end there, uff. It was nice.

Anyway, right after the fireworks, people were started to sing. One of the songs: 'Auld Lang Syne', of course. People were sharing drinks and toasting at each other. Personally, I was quite amazed. It was really the first time I've ever been in a crowd filled with strangers, celebrating NYE.

So yeah. That happened. A year ago today, in a few hours time.

And that's how 2014 started for me. Not with a whimper, but with a bang. Quite a loud one there, right at the end.

Many things have happened since then. 2014 has been a roller-coaster for me, emotionally, and physically. Mostly emotional. Not so much on the physical aspect. :p

I started blogging again, did quite well on my IELTS early in the year, did two uni interviews and failed both of them, passed the IB, didn't go to uni this year, finished my twelve years of formal education, graduated, went to prom (a memorable one, Uruguay got beaten 3-1 that night by Costa Rica :D :D), finally went up the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame with my friends, "visited" places in Paris with me friends, last stroll around Paris by myself, learned to let go of things while packing my stuffs, finally went back to Jakarta (alone), got used to taking public transports here in Jakarta, started taking Indonesian uni prep course, met new amazing friends and people, met old friends, saw a disaster happened with my very own eyes, started learning how to drive a car... 

I also learned to finally let go. And I made a strong decision of where to go next, of what to do in the future, my future. Hopefully this time, this time it'd be the right one, the most suitable one, the best one. 

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Here's for 2015.

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