Friday 16 January 2015

Je suis Ahmed


I'm in the mood to write a post so... Let's start.

We're already in the second half of January. Time flies. Wow.

I have no internet connection here... A bummer. Big, big, bummer. Probably just gonna terminate the current one and gonna go look for other brand which can hopefully work nicely, at least better than the current one.

I just found out (well.. Not really "I just found out", more like "I have heard of it for several times but never really tried it until very recently.") that I can use my iPhone as an internet connection source, thing.. Don't really know what the technical term is.. Is is tethering? Who knows.

So if I need to access the Internet from me lappy or me iPod, I can use this thing. Just gotta make sure that I have enough Internet quota... :/

Other news, Paris Terror Attacks January 2015. (Jan 7th - Jan 9th)

The three-day terror was quite an important event in our recent history. It actually touched many, many issues. Islamophobia, immigration, terrorism, extremism, freedom of expression, counter-terror laws, more control over citizens... For conspiracy theorists, "False Flag"?

These issues are some of the many issues which define our generation. Other issues, like climate change, are important to us all, and they define our generation. They show our main concerns and how people live during the early decades of the 21st century. The way we deal with these issues today, will define ourselves in the future. The way we treat these issues will affect our future, this planet's future.

Anyway, I made several tweets on the 7th of January, in response to the attack... And in response to how the world responded. Just gonna quote it here:

"We should condemn the act of killing.. But then again, how far should we defend "freedom of expression"..? If someone expresses his/her opinion and it hurts the feelings of billions of people from around the globe... Should those billions of people stay idle? They too have their own opinions. But then again, murder is simply bad. It is certainly not the right way for those people to "express" their opinion in this modern society. 
Why can't people from different backgrounds, from across the globe, engage in fair discussions, in which we'd all respect each other.. The key is to respect and understand one another... But the thing is, we all have different interests and concerns. Different ideas on how this world should work, how it should look like. Anyway, we are not living in cloud cuckoo land. So yeah. Condolences to families and friends of the victims."

It is simply bad that this kind of thing still happens in today's society. Personally, I was a bit sad, because it happened in a city which has a special place within me. I've experienced living amongst dem French people, amongst its Muslim community. And to see Paris in that kind of state, with maximum security level, is heart-wrenching.

I don't know whether it was a false flag or not. And I don't know whether those extremist groups, who act bearing the name of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), are "puppets" of another higher authority or not... But these acts are just wrong and bad.

Using the name of Islam, or Allah (SAW), or the Prophet (pbuh), or using passages from the Qur'an in order to justify such acts. It's just heart-wrenching. Islam is a religion of peace, with billions of followers. It has lasted for over 1400 years, and so there's got to be a reason behind why 'Islam is truly a religion, a guide, instead of a mad man from the Arabian desert babbling nonsense, taken from Judaism, Christianity, and Greek philosophy, in order to corrupt and control other people'.

If people spread terror using the name of Islam, or if anyone, who consider themselves as a Muslim, behave or act badly, mistreating other people, hurting other people... We have to bear in mind that it is not the religion that is bad, it is people who are corrupt, who are bad. 

People are not perfect. Humans are not perfect.

We have needs, we have desires, earthly desires... Probably heavenly desire for some of those who've had enough of living...? But these kind of people, they need to know that we exist here for a reason/ some reasons...

Human beings have this tendency to commit bad things. To disobey, to insult others, to harm others in order to achieve what we crave. Some people are greedy, some are lustful, some are just too lazy... All those sins including the so called seven deadly sins. :p

But human beings, according to what I believe anyway, also have the capacity to love. To love one another, the environment, animals, plants. We have the capacity to respect one another, to help each other out. We have the capacity to do great things, to achieve great things which can benefit us all, the human race...

Lol wtf was that, sounds like a utopian thingy. :p

Where was I... Ah.

Yeah, human beings have tendencies to commit harmful things, but we also have the capacity to do great things. It's just that the way we are raised, the way our society works, these kind of things really affect ourselves... Sometimes, people think that there's no other way, that the only way is that we have to do something bad in order to achieve our goal. In cloud cuckoo land, everyone wouldn't even dare to think of bad thoughts... Sadly, the Earth is not cloud cuckoo land.

The thing is, as I said in my tweet, we have different concerns and interests. Some of us are desperate to have food and shelter. Some of us crave luxury. Some of us crave power. Some of us do bad things in order to ensure themselves to be adored, to be liked by others. Some of us do unacceptable things in order to protect their loved ones, securing a brighter future for their family without considering the effect of their doings.

We can't enforce our own ideals into everyone, that's why we have to accept the fact that people are different. We have different ideas on how this world should work. Some ideas may clash, but that does not mean that we have the right to force other people into submission, into agreeing. 

Instead of the use of force, as I said, why can't we have discussions...? Human beings have the intellectual capacity... Well, some of us do anyway. Some people are just too thick or too hot-headed to have a proper discussion with...

But I believe, for many of us, if the right reasons have been presented, then they can think for themselves which would be better, which are the right things to do, which are the things that should be, how things should work out in our society, ideally.

Well, I doubt this can work though... Dialogues and discussions... :/ Similar to "Ibadat Khana", in which people had interfaith dialogues. There need to be transparency, good regulation, respect between participants, understanding, and willingness to respect, understand, and willingness to improve humanity.

Wow I clearly went way way way off tangent there...

Back to the Paris terror.

I was a bit disgusted by how the media and the social media responded to this event.

Don't get me wrong, as I said, I condemn the act of killing such as what happened.

But the way people brought up the phrase "Freedom of Expression"... Is just. I don't know.

Here, take a look at this:

Embedded image permalink

The way how people want to protect "Freedom of Speech" or "Freedom of Expression". Those people just don't think, don't they?

I support freedom of expression, because without it, we wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be writing this. But I believe there should, obviously, be limits.

One of the things that I really love about Indonesia, is that many of us are aware that there should be respect and tolerance towards each other, especially in terms of dealing with various religious faiths and beliefs.

Charlie Hebdo makes satirical cartoons. They probably just want to "entertain" other people, or give critics on current affairs. They were attacked previously on several occasions, I believe... Molotov or something. Anyway, they make cartoons not just about Islam or the Prophet (pbuh). They also "attacked" the Vatican, other religious figures, and various political figures.

But the thing is, when you've insulted someone, whom billions of people adore very much. Whom billions of people respect and love... Shouldn't there be limits? Just take a look at the picture that I've posted up there...

And here is a video:

I mean come on, look at the recent conflict between Palestine and Israel. Yes, quite a lot of support for Palestine... But then, take a look at how many people shouting at other people being "anti-Semitic", just because they expressed their pro-peace, anti-Israel views... For example when someone posted a photo saying "Nazi Germany = Israel", just take a look at the comment section and you'd see people labelling others as being "anti-Semitic".

So much for being fair and just.

Well, yeah, those people on the Internet did not go out and kill those whom they considered as "anti-Semitic". Certainly a better way of "opposing" the so-called "Freedom of Speech" than killing.

Anyway, yeah. Limits. Just as the Prophet (pbuh) said, moderation in all things. You can't just promote hatred.

Speaking about promoting hatred... Three videos:

Russell Brand is amazing :p

Wtf Fox News :p :p :p Hilarious.

Anyway, back to the events at Paris...

Yeah. I would accept cartoons which criticises extremist groups or other acts of terrorism bearing the name of Islam, without trying to insult the Prophet (pbuh), Allah, or Islam itself.

And if their objective is to criticise and to entertain, instead of to attack other people, surely it'd be alright.

But as I said, they should not hurt billions of people by insulting a person whom they love so much.

I am sure the cartoonists are aware of what they're doing, aware of the consequences...

And so it happened.

After the 7th January attack, there were several hostage situations and more killings... Heart-wrenching.

It seems that the French government is trying to tell that the attacks that happened did not represent Islam. Hollande is also trying to reassure others that even Muslims feel unsafe after the attacks. Lots of Muslims in France, in Paris... Including Indonesian Muslims. Anyway, yeah, Hollande is trying to say that the enemy is not Islam itself, it is terrorism... Cool. Hopefully he is being sincere about it, and hopefully the French people are willing to agree to this view. I mean, Muslims have been part of France, of its community, for decades... They have lived alongside each other for so long, surely there's some sort of understanding going on between French Muslims and the French people in general.

Now, how should Muslims respond to such attacks or insults? What'd be the best way?

We have to make people understand that the Prophet is a highly-respected figure, whom billions of Muslims love very much. We have to make them understand that depicting the Prophet in such ways is not acceptable. 

If they say that we are ignorant, following some sort of teaching of an "imaginary desert fairy", then show them compassion.

There's no harm in believing in something, as long as you don't go out forcing your beliefs to others, in harmful or inappropriate ways.

The best way to promote Islam, is to show compassion. Show all the good things in Islam. Behave appropriately. The best way to defend the honour of the Prophet, is to act like him.

We have to think. What would the Prophet do in this situation? I mean, man, he was insulted and attacked in his time. People threw rocks at him, insulted him, attacked him... And he showed compassion in return. And that is the beauty of him. It is also the beauty of Islam.

Instead of insulting them back, or revenge, or attacking them... Show mercy and compassion. Promote love. God has given us the capacity to think and to love. So we have to use our intellect to do great things, to help others. We also have to show compassion and promote peace.

Instead of mocking back those who mocked our Prophet, show them how he is the best of mankind. How he was one of the best men who have walked this planet. How he is the best of role model. Use reasoning if they need it, because we are able to give them reasons on why Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example of human.

On Wednesday the 14th of January, I believe it was in response to the new issue of Charlie Hebdo, a hash-tag #WhoIsMuhammad was trending worldwide for some time on Twitter. Alongside the hash-tag, people celebrated the life of Prophet Muhammad by either quoting his sunnah, or by typing his advices and ideas, or simply by typing the ways he lived his life, how he had lived, the story of his life. Emotionally, I was touched. This is how it's supposed to be. By people promoting peaceful thoughts and ideas. 

Do not waste water.

So, so, so much more can be said around the topic of religion, and Islam itself. Save it for another time :)

Right after the attack, people use the phrase, "Je suis Charlie", or "I am Charlie", as an act of solidarity. I somehow feel that this phrase alienates some people... Muslims.. Well, those who love and respect the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) anyway... Because we can't "be Charlie". We can't identify ourselves as a group of people who insulted the Prophet.

Well, je ne suis pas Charlie. :/ Mais, je suis Ahmed. Ahmed, as in the name of one of the police officers who was killed during the attack. He was a French Muslim. Also, Ahmed, as in "Muhammad", the name of our beloved Prophet.

May there be peace.


Assalamu'alaikum. Peace be upon you. :)

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